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Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park

Commemorate Black History Month:

NPS News Release January 30, 2023:

Black History month formally celebrates the many contributions African Americans made to history, but did you know that Dr. Carter G. Woodson, noted Black scholar and historian, initiated Black History Week on February 12, 1926? Today, we look back on this important milestone and recognize Dr. Woodson for his foresight and guidance. What started out as week of recognition grew, and by 1970 Kent State began celebrating February as Black History Month. Six years later it was celebrated nation-wide as part of the United States Bicentennial.

During the month of February, Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park invites you to join us for special presentations held each Saturday in celebration of Black History Month. Topics will range from an exploration of Dunbar’s musical collaborators on Broadway, the inspiration Paul found from his loved-ones, and how his body of work was shared after his death. Dunbar programming will occur at the Paul Laurence Dunbar Visitor Center 312 Edison St., Dayton, in addition to house tours. Hours of operations are Friday- Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. A special exhibit of student art will also be on display focused on Dunbar’s “We Wear the Mask”.

Charles Young Buffalo Soldiers National Monument rangers will lead a special day of programming at the Wright-Dunbar Interpretive Center on February 10, just in time for Valentine’s Day, to explore love stories of African Americans who served in the Army. Learn about how commitments to their loved ones effected their actions on and off the battlefield.

Join the National Park Service in celebration this February by attending one of the FREE programs below. For more information on park programming check out the park calendar at:

February 3 – “Dunbar and Music: Paul's Collaborations into Popular Music”

Where: Paul Laurence Dunbar House Visitor Center 312 Edison St., Dayton, OH

When: 1:00 p.m.


February 10 – “Buffalo Soldier Love Stories”

 Where: Wright-Dunbar Interpretive Center, 16 S. Williams St., Dayton, OH

When: 10:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 2:00 p.m.


February 17 – “Loving Muses: Explore how Alice and Paul Wrote About their Relationship”

 Where: Paul Laurence Dunbar House Visitor Center, 312 Edison St., Dayton, OH

When: 1:00 p.m.


February 24 – “1906 and Beyond: Dunbar's Supporters and Friends Kept His Work Alive”

 Where: Paul Laurence Dunbar House Visitor Center, 312 Edison St., Dayton, OH

When: 1:00 p.m.

Throughout the year, the National Park Service and our partners share stories, rich culture, and an invitation for all Americans to reflect on African American history in parks and communities across the country. More than 400 years of history and heritage—including achievements, contributions, and historical journeys—are remembered and commemorated in places preserved for current and future generations. There are so many stories to explore!


Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park preserves and interprets the history and legacies of the Wright Brothers and Paul Laurence Dunbar. Learn more about these extraordinary men and the story of the park when you explore or find us on social media at, and @DaytonAviationNHP on Instagram.


The National Park Service cares for special places saved by the American people so that all may experience our heritage.

Ryan Qualls

Director of Operations / Public Information Officer

Paul Laurence Dunbar House Historic Site Manager

Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park 

16 S. Williams St., Dayton, OH 45402

937-673-8689 (Main)

937-225-7705 (Office)

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The Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park includes Sites #1, #2, and #3 on the Aviation Trail



Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park 

16 S. Williams St., Dayton, OH 45402

Visitor Center:

For details and seasonal date schedules see

or please call (937) 225-7705 for the current park schedule.


From W. Third St., turn south on Williams St and then turn left on Fourth St. Go 1/2 block and turn left into the Visitor Center parking area.

CLICK HERE for a parking map.

See the Visitor Center page for details on hours and for a map.

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*The Parachute Museum archives were considered as perhaps the world's largest  private parachute collection when assessed by experts from WPFB and the Smithsonian Institute.  

© Aviation Trail, Inc. 2025

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