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Eyes in the Sky

Updated: May 13, 2019

Aviation Lecture Series - WACO Historical Society

WACO Air Museum, 1865 South County Road 25A, Troy, Ohio 45373

Thursday, May 9, 2019–doors open at 6:30 p.m., speech at 7 p.m.

Eyes in the Sky:

The Evolution of American Airborne and

Space-Based Photographic Reconnaissance

WACO wraps up this season’s Aviation Lecture, on Thursday night, May 9th with Raymond Robb as the final speaker. The topic, “Eyes in the Sky” provides a historical overview of the U.S. airborne and space-based photographic reconnaissance over the last century. Mr. Robb will compare and contrast the early efforts with

the current capabilities of photographic reconnaissance from the skies. Doors will open to the public at 6:30 pm.

Ray grew up in Savannah, Georgia, where he developed a passion for aviation at an early age. Living in the shadow of Hunter Army Airfield, he was accustomed to frequent overflights of military aircraft of all types, a contributing factor in his decision to join the U.S. Air Force. While on active duty, he served for six years in England, followed by three years in the Netherlands on a Special Duty assignment. Upon completion of nearly a decade of service, he left the Air Force with an Honorable Discharge for a position at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in Arlington, Virginia. From there, he later relocated to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, where he supported numerous aeronautical acquisition programs as a Contractor prior to becoming an Air Force Civil Servant. In this capacity, he currently works as a Security Specialist in the Air Force Research Laboratory. Outside of work, he is a Life Member of the Air Force Association, and continues to be a devoted aviation enthusiast, photographer, and historian. He has been a freelance writer since 2002 and frequently lectures throughout the Miami Valley on a variety of aviation history topics. He and his wife, Robin, live in Sugarcreek Township with their 15-year-old daughter, Staci.

All aviation lectures are free and open to the public; donations to WACO Air Museum are gladly accepted. Lectures are held in the Willis Wing of the WACO Air Museum at 1865 South County Road 25A in Troy, OH. Programs are scheduled to last one hour with questions to follow. For questions, please call 937-335-9226 or visit

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