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Aviation Trail Memberships & Donations

Membership Reminder:

All levels of Aviation Trail memberships, except for Life Membership, are annual and are subject to renewal, at the desired level, by each January. Aviation Trail is now accepting memberships and renewal orders for 2025.

Aviation Trail remains committed to upholding our mission of aviation awareness, education, preservation and restoration in our region. We need your support in order to be more than "The Birthplace of Aviation," but also the premier locale in the country to "Experience the Birthplace of Aviation." Your membership and donation support is critical in helping maintain that mission.

We continue to promote the "Wilbear Wright"® passport program. This program has been extremely popular with youth as it was intended, but frequently with adults as well! We have distributed over 15,000 free, “Wilbear Wright”® teddy bears since the program began, and we are extending the program through July 1, 2025.

We continue to expand the ATI parachute collection (already noted by the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum as one of the largest, if not the largest, in the country) with major donations of ejection seats, and additional parachute equipment, and hope to expand the museum to display more of the collection. We plan to renovate the Pekin Theater and Fish Market buildings which ATI owns immediately adjacent to our Aviation Trail Visitor Center to accommodate the expansion.

We also are about to publish the “Field Guide to Flight” for the third time with significantly increased photos and additional Trail sites added since it's last publication.

Your membership support is critical in assisting us with these projects and our promotion of the aviation heritage of our region. Please visit our website at to keep up to date with events sponsored by ATI and our partners throughout our region.


Online credit card payments may be made from our website.

Secure payments are made through PayPal.

Join, Renew, or Donate Now to Help Support Aviation Trail, Inc. and the Aviation Trail Parachute Museum at:

To download a printable mail-in membership/donation form use this link:

Donations to Aviation Trail, Inc., a 501(c)3 organization, in partnership with the National Park Service to promote Aviation Heritage in the Dayton region, are fully tax deductible.





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