Join us for a night of space fun May 6th at the
National Museum of the U.S. Air Force™!
Look inside the Space Shuttle Crew Compartment Trainer with two NASA shuttle astronauts. Test your knowledge of space trivia. Strut your stuff in the Moonwalk competition. Dress up as your favorite 80s space hero/heroine and get an up-close photo opportunity with a “flying saucer!” Or simply grab a Signature Space Cocktail and explore the Museum's collection—especially the open/look-in aircraft opportunities in the Space Gallery! Plus, see artifacts from the Museum collection, including an original Apollo 14 test suit!
Food will be provided as well as a cash bar.
Tickets are limited so get yours today for this adults-only event!
Air Force Museum Events | Air Force Museum Foundation, WPAFB, OH 45433
The National Museum of the United States Air Force™ is site #5 on the Aviation Trail.