July 28, 2022 | 5:30 p.m. at Carillon Historical Park

DAYTON, OHIO – Carillon Historical Park and its Wright Brothers National Museum will unveil a new exhibit module featuring the original 1903 Wright Kitty Hawk Flyer fabric recently returned from the International Space Station. Dayton entrepreneur and Ax-1 pilot Larry Connor carried this piece of history with him while piloting the first all-civilian mission to the ISS. Wright family descendant, Stephen Wright and astronaut Larry Connor will be in attendance to help dedicate the new addition at Dayton History’s annual meeting this Thursday, July 28 at 5:30 p.m.
The gathering will also include a review of upcoming plans for Carillon Historical Park, and recent additions including the 1901 Fairgrounds Stable, 1920s Industrial Block, and the future Carillon Park Railroad.
About Carillon Historical Park
Carillon Historical Park is part of Dayton History, a private non-profit organization established to preserve, share, and celebrate our region’s history. The Park's 65-acre campus is home to over 30 historic structures and cares for over three million artifacts. In addition to Carillon Historical Park, the following sites rest under Dayton History’s care: Carillon Brewing Co., Hawthorn Hill, Patterson Homestead, the Old Court House, the Mound Cold War Discovery Center, Memorial Hall, and the Archive Center.
Carillon Historical Park • 1000 Carillon Blvd. • Dayton Ohio 45409 • daytonhistory.org
Carillon Historical Park is Site #4 on the Aviation Trail