1) Super Soarin’ Saturdays – Santa Fly-in • December 4 @ 9:30 am - 11:00 am
Super Soarin’ Saturdays is our children’s program! This program is targeted to children ages 5 to 11.
Cookies, hot chocolate, activities and crafts are happening as we await the arrival of Santa! Santa will fly-in our Stearman plane! Once Santa arrives he will meet and greet with the kids until 11:00 AM.
Student admission is $7
This program is FREE to members
Yearly family memberships are $50
2) Lecture Series – The Pearl Harbor Chats • December 7 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
The newest segment in our Lecture Series. Please join us for our inaugural Pearl Harbor Chat presented by UC Professor Steve Porter. Every year on Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day we will discuss a topic related to Pearl Harbor. This year, Dr. Porter will be discussing ‘The Enemy Within? Pearl Harbor, Enemy Aliens, and Alien Citizens’ the US government’s approach after Pearl Harbor to policing the three main populations in the United States affiliated with the Axis Powers: those of German, Italian, and Japanese ancestry, citizen and alien.
Presenter: UC Professor Dr. Steve Porter
For information contact:
Tri-State Warbird Museum
(513) 735-4500
Tri-State Warbird Museum is Site#15 on the Aviation Trail