Friday, February 9, 2018 - Graveside Tribute to Paul Laurence Dunbar
Processional to grave site: 9:45 a.m. Mission, Tribute, Prayer and Laying of Wreath: 10:00 to approx. 10:45 a.m. Reception in Woodland Mausoleum immediately following graveside tribute.

Gather at the Woodland Mausoleum at 9:45 a.m. as we lead you to the grave site of Paul Laurence Dunbar. Join in as tribute and prayer are given and sing Amazing Grace as a wreath is laid upon his grave. Then join us at the reception immediately following in the Mausoleum. Guests will include members of the Dayton Dunbar Alumni Association, Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park, Paul Laurence Dunbar Historical Site, Dayton History and Woodland Cemetery. Refreshments will be served. This program is free and open to the public.
Woodland Cemetery and Arboretum is located at 118 Woodland Avenue off of Brown Street between the UD and Miami Valley Hospital campuses.
Please feel free to invite your family and friends and forward this message to anyone that may be interested in the program.